Sunday, May 20, 2012

Make It Right!

Everyday, I come across projects, processes and programs that need help. I am asked to come in and help build or rebuild programs that the firm relies on for millions in  revenue. I bring my arsenal of tools of experience in many sectors to find those solutions. In many cases, I bring sides of the business that are collaborating for the first time - to me, this isn't rocket science.

The next step is to sell it. Imagine marketing on steroids. We don't just use social media, but we also use all other channels.

How and why is a fixer like me necessary in the first place, and what kind of mindset does one need in terms of business? First, it takes a full knowledge of the rules, regulations and the best practices in the industry to bring a company the competitive advantage. Just as this is important, I find that being a customer advocate is just as important - if not more so. Program disconnects come as a result of not putting in the effort in the beginning to build that level of quality.

Make It Right! It takes so little effort to slow the process down just a little bit to build in the quality into every aspect of a product or service. Think of the thousands of dollars wasted by not doing this! Think of the quality of the end result when building/rebuilding the job and leave absolutely no stone unturned. No excuse.

I take that quality to my home life too. No excuse. I don't believe in one sided relationships or out of convenience. It drives me nuts that a DBE can continually torture mentally my adopted daughter. If there is no quality, it is better to shut the door tight and tell them to go take a hike. In business we are responsible. As members of our families, even more so. When we don't, do not expect for it to last.

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