There are times when we look back and say that we wish we had one more opportunity to do something. If we could have just had that moment of clarity to have a made a different decision. You know.. That general sense of regret. I had such a moment. As many know, I'm a wiz in the kitchen. Experience. Learning. Tasting. Burning bacon and other acts of culinary treason. As with so many other greats, they got there by mirroring those they admire the most. This is my story. The one I admired the most in the kitchen? Mom.
What the hell drew me to standing in the kitchen with her night after night I have no idea. Turn the calendar to present day, I would be given the opportunity to be standing together with her while cooking yet again. Frail, I proceed to cook alone a meal similar to those of my childhood. Cane in hand, an offering to play sous chef brought mixed emotions. I'm thinking: Let her relax while I take care of for a change. In reality, it was a call back to the old days - mother and son side-by-side one more time. It was her need to feel useful and our joy of creating the emotion that comes from eating and making an amazing meal together. I pray it won't be the last.
Avoid regret - embrace the present moment.